Loving Our Brothers and Sisters
I typically use this blogspace for things other than Christianity, as I have other places online for that. (See the cross post links at the end of the article.) But something I read this morning is important enough for other Christians to read that I'm posting it here, too.Bill (De) over at Thinklings shared a great thought about Christians loving Christians. All too often, groups of believers will say or do something that we consider embarrasing. But, we have to remember that those who genuinely trust Jesus daily for salvation are in the same family; they are part of the same bride. It is true that the covenant family of God may act like a dysfunctional family, and that may bother us. But never forget that we are still family, even if we number in billions rather than dozens. Bill's call is not one of meaningless ecumenism. It is a call for us to love one another as Christ commands. So Christian, go love your brothers and sisters today, even the strange ones.
(UPDATE: This makes a nice companion piece to a previous Internet Monk essay: Why Do They Hate Us?)
(cross posted at Ars Gratia and Two42)
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